15 November 2011

Back – Just In Time for MST

Sorry about the long delay; I just got back from two weeks in the States for my brother's wedding.  It was a lovely event, and if you're reading this, it's highly likely that you either know someone on Facebook that can link you to the pictures, or, perhaps, were even at the wedding yourself.

Anyway, MST is starting today, and so I will be sending brief, sporadic updates as things unfold.  I have to say, it has already been quite a trip getting to see everybody again, and catch up with friends from Antigua and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.  It's certainly living up to expectations – now, if only the training can be productive as well.  Looking forward to a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey did you find any pictures?
    Also, did you get my email about the Pac-12?
